- Jean-Pierre Dujardin, IRD (Montpellier, France).
- Abrahan Matias, Director del CAMETROP (Guayaramerin, Bolivia)
- Contributors are listed within the document.
Features of the “CiberAtlas Triatominae” (CAT)
- “CAT”, stands for “Cyber Atlas of Triatominae”. It is a revised, extended version of the previous “Ciberatlas de los Triatominae de Bolivia”.
- CAT shows picture of each (available) species of the subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), with the name(s) of the author(s) responsible for the collection, the documentation and identification of the insect.
- For each specimen, the following parts are shown: the dorsal and ventral aspects of the entire insect, the head, the thorax, the wing. More is shown if available, like nymphs or other features. Also, taxonomic, ecologic and epidemiologic traits are reported, as well as a short bibliography.
- CAT is presently not limited to Bolivia: it shows images and documentacion for each country of Latin America, for the USA and for the Old World.
- Last but not least, CAT offers you a tutorial to test your knowledge on Triatominae !
Your contribution is most wellcome
Download last version (>100 MBytes)
August 2007: version 8
CAT.tar.gz 459.1 MB 9/7/2015 12:04 pm
- “CAT-W.” El ciberatlas ‘ONLINE’, por D. Gorla (CRILAR, CONICET, Argentina) Seems no longer in use, unfortunately.
- “Les vecteurs de la Maladie de Chagas”. Un livre sur les vecteurs de la maladie de Chagas, dans la langue de Voltaire.
- “Los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas”. Es una traduccion del libro en Frances, con algunos cambios bienvenidos como menos errores y mas referencias.
- Una red de investigadores latino-americanos trabajando sobre los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas. A Latin-American network dedicated to the study of the vectors of Chagas disease.
- Estructura poblacional de los Triatominae. A Spanish presentation about population structuring and its epidemiological consequences in Triatominae.