
Epidemiological Status of Kissing Bugs in Vietnam Hanoi

(Viet Nam), 17-21th of June 2013

ORGANIZED BY : National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology, Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources and IRD

General framework: The recent migration of invasive species of medical importance contributed to the worldwide extension of some infectious diseases like dengue (Aedes aegypti) or chikungunya (Aedes albopictus). A similar behaviour of some vectors of Chagas disease allowed it to become a continental burden in Latin America. One of these vectors, Triatoma rubrofasciata, migrated outside Latin America and is now silently spreading throughout the world. It probably uses maritim and fluvial transportation facilities thank to its association with rats. The massive presence of Triatoma rubrofasciata in Viet Nam (including major cities such as Hanoi, Da Nang, etc. see for instance a recent report), its recurrent reports in Thailand (Klong Toei, in Bangkok; also Phuket), and its recent discovery inside dwellings in the Philippines (Manila, Quezon City), as well as on the Reunion island, suggest that a wide-ranging study should be initiated to assess the epidemiological threat represented by T. rubrofasciata in the world.

Supported by: Sponsors

General Purposes:  To put together various specialists able to clarify the invasive behaviour of the insect, to design the research activities still needed to understand it, as well as the relevant strategies to monitor, to prevent and to control it. To set up a long term follow up of people having been bitten or in contact with the insect.

Program: Workshop Program ————————– Training course Program


List of topics discussed:

Chagas disease outside Latin America, The main routes of Triatoma rubrofasciata migration, The role of rodents in Triatoma rubrofasciata migration, Triatoma rubrofasciata : current infestation in Vietnam, Vectors and rodents control strategy, Cutaneous lesions and possible allergic responses to insect bites, Mechanical transmission and hematophagous bugs, Trypanosomes systematics, Rodents: migration behaviour and pathogens transportation.

Hotel Workshop,Transportation, Maps