Department of Medical Entomology, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
- Day 1, am: “Introduction”
- Wellcome from authorities
- Introduction to modern morphometrics
- Introduction to XYOM, digitization
- Day 1, pm
- Workshop: use of XYOM, digitization: Digitizing own material and/or training material
- Day 2, am: “Size and Shape”
- Introduction to the Generalized Procrustes Analysis
- Introduction to the Elliptic Fourier nalysis
- Day 2, pm
- Workshop: use of XYOM, characterization
- Day 3, am: “Classifying groups”
- Introduction to multivariate analyses
- principal component analysis, discriminant analysis
- Day 3, pm
- Workshop: use of XYOM, classification
- Day 4, am: “Identifying unknown individuals”
- Introduction to the identification techniques
- Introduction to the neuronal network
- Day 4, pm
- Workhop: use of XYOM, identification
- Day 5, am: “Recent morphometric studies on Thailand fauna”
- Suchada Sumruayphol and coll.,
- Ronald Morales Vargas and coll.
- Day 5, pm
- Student presentations (10 min by student)