The 'asi' module is designed to study the matching symmetry of an organism. CLIC_94: INPUT FILES HAVE CHANGED One can enter (i) either two successive SIZE files, (ii) a single file containing shape variables, (iii) or a single file containing LANDMARKS COORDINATES. - In the first case (i), the simplest one, only a two-way mixed ANOVA is performed (Palmer & Strobecq, 1986). Each of the two files may be a single column file (containing for instance a global estimate of size), or may be a table with each column the size of a different character. - In the second case (ii), the single file is a concatenation of successive digitizations. It contains shape variables, such as partial warps. In case of partial warps, they have been computed from a landmark file containing the successive digitizations (see next case). - In the thirs case (iii), the single file is a concatenation of successive digitizations. It contains raw coordinates of landmarks. Thus, a Procrustes superimposition is performed before to apply a two way mixed ANOVA for size (Palmer & Strobecq, 1986), and a Procrustes ANOVA for shape (Klingenberg McIntyre, 1998). The symmetric and asymmetric components, as well as the individual FA scores (Klingenberg & Monteiro, 2005), are computed and saved in separate files. ------------------------------------------------- Single INPUT FILE (size and shape asymmetry) ------------------------------------------------- The concatenation of at least 2 'coord_[date]_format.txt', i.e. first and second digitizations of landmarks as obtained from COO. NOTE: you have to indicate to ASI the number of measurement sessions (most often 2) before to enter the concatenated input file. ------------------------------------------------- Two successive INPUT FILES (size asymmetry) ------------------------------------------------- 'coord_[date1]_format_CS.txt' <- the first measurement (M1) 'coord_[date2]_format_CS.txt' <- the second measurement (M2) or 'coord_[date1]_OTL_FOG_ARE.txt' (or '..._PER.txt') <- M1 'coord_[date2]_OTL_FOG_ARE.txt' (or '..._PER.txt') <- M2 ------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT FILES ------------------------------------------------- '..._ASI_INFO.txt' '..._SymComp.txt' (mean of left and right over successive digitizations) '..._AsymComp.txt' (mean of bilateral differences over successive digitizations) '..._FAscores.txt' (shape deviation from the group mean in an isotropic space) ------------------------------------------------- ASI file arrangement ------------------------------------------------- digitization individual side 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 ... ... ... 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 ... ... ... ------------------------------------------------- CLIC files format ------------------------------------------------- The CLIC data files have an internal format as follows: - The first row is a free comment, next rows are the data. - The first row is mandatory. - Data (next rows) are organized as a table without headers - Empty rows are allowed, except the first one (see above). - Columns are separated by a tabulation. Exceptions to this CLIC data format are: 1. The 'coo' output file named 'coord_[date].txt' 2. The CLIC data base format 'coord_[date]_DB.txt' (or ..._OTL_DB.txt): there are headers! 3. The CLIC distance matrix format: depends on the external software destination (like PHYLIP, R, NTSYS, etc.)